Kotti's bad takes on games

Previously played

Date 🔻GameRatingCommentsFinishedVods
Ongoing or soon™No vods available
Ongoing or soon™
22 May 2024
- The recompilation port and the tech behind it are the definition of black magic. No issues anywhere, and incredibly easy to use.
- Great setting for the story, the moon crashing in three days is easily my favourite Zelda premise
- Loads of similarities with OoT, meaning the the exploration and core gameplay loop are fairly simple and satisfying. Also meaning that occasionally the progression was somewhat obtuse.
- Stone Tower was probably the best dungeon+boss combination in both this and OoT
- The transformation masks were a good addition, but their movement based skills were too clumsy to control for some of the more precise sections
- The bomber's notebook/sidequests were mostly interesting to explore, but the notebook itself was an awful tool for tracking anything and at worst gave misleading hints. Kafei in particular can heck right off.
- Timeloops are cool and all, but this desperately needed a better way to control time to avoid spending minutes at a time waiting and doing nothing
- OoT is probably the better game on a first playthrough, but MM is the one I'd rather replay as the second time through it's easier to avoid mistakes like deciding to do Kafei's quest
All masks, full notebook (29h)
12 May 2024
- Very good combat in general, thanks to a variety of weapons and enemies. The enemies having voicelines and ragdolls also made it more fun.
- Lots of variety in scenarios, from more linear corridor based combat to large open spaces with multiple factions fighting each other. Even The Library had its purpose, even if it went on longer than necessary.
- Two weapon limit is weapon durability done right
- Good mission/chapter/level titles are underrated, and Halo has some of the best ones. Though I do wish the main titles (not the mid-chapter titles) were more clearly presented.
- I like revisiting levels, but a lot of the levels felt copy-pasted and uninspired
- The original graphics looked generally better than the updated ones, but being able to switch on the fly was cool
Heroic (8h)
07 May 2024
- Different kinds of stealth, such as hiding in darkness during the night and undercover during the day
- Surprisingly open ended missions that allowed using those different stealth mechanics freely
- The schedule system with morning/evening roll calls added an interesting time pressure
- So many wonderful accents
- I'm a sucker for reusing locations in different ways, and while 5 escapes from 3 prison camps doesn't sound like much, it was plenty
- Terrible camera, unresponsive controls, often tedious trial and error gameplay, unusable map, awkward analog walking system. The only polish this game has is the one meant for your boots that you wear on your face.
- The final level was a drop in quality, too much hunting for items in unclear areas and repeating similar sections
- Sneaky ✔️
Finished (12h)
04 May 2024
- The art style was pretty neat, especially some of the enemy designs
- The on-rails movement was pretty unique and worked well enough in the context of the game
- The combat was awful, especially on a controller. Aiming at the weak points feels extremely clumsy and gets old fast. It might've been fine if it wasn't for the enemies constantly respawning.
- Some of the worst bosses I've ever seen. If I ever complain about a boss being bad in any game, please remind me of the brainy men of killer7.
- The puzzles were like something a 6-year old would design. A quiz about posters within the same room was one of the low points. Once I realized that the map gives solutions to some the puzzles before you even get to them they got a little more bearable.
- The map was vital for making progress, but it also failed to mark the player location or connect areas to one another properly, making it frustrating to work with
- The way characters talked was extremely obnoxious. Everyone talks in riddles one line at a time with no way to speed it up. It was a challenge not to zone out whenever the gimp repeated how tight the spot was. This feels like a nitpick, but it was an issue all the way through the game.
- There may have been a seed for a decent story, but the storytelling failed it entirely. The best parts were missions that were seemingly totally unrelated to the main plotline.
- It felt like an artsy student project from itch.io that somehow got released as a full game
Normal (13h)
03 May 2024
- Good visuals and destruction, very mid-2000s soundtrack
- I had a pretty good time overall, but I don't see racing games in general having much long term appeal or lasting impact
- The minigames were fun on paper, but needed more polish
- Some frustrating physics issues where objects seemed to randomly decide to be light or heavy depending on the position of the stars
- For a game about reckless driving, it sure liked to punish reckless driving
Finished (6h)
01 May 2024
- It's a lot like SH2, but more or less worse in just about every regard. Story, combat, camera, areas... it's "fine".
- The pacing was pretty bad, especially the first few sections and later on a part that was rehashed from SH2
Normal/Normal (11h)
17 Apr 2024
- The setting is pretty cool and at least in theory much of it can be navigated using landmarks and signs
- Nice selection of weapons, powers and environmental kills that in theory should make for interesting combat
- In practice the combat is often a total clown fiesta where it's hard to tell what the hell is going on and then you die. It didn't help that the enemies were often unnecessarily tanky and had little in terms of hit feedback. Attempting to play on hard difficulty only made it way worse.
- In practice navigating the world relies on one of the worst maps I can recall ever seeing. The rest of the UI isn't much better either.
- The hacking minigame. Oh god the hacking minigame. It could've maybe been fine had the amount of hacking been reduced by 90% and had someone bothered to make sure that the puzzles are actually solvable.
- The sounds were totally busted and it was impossible to properly track enemies around corners using it. This may be a Remastered issue, which would make sense because it's a damn poor remaster.
- Someone should've tried telling Ken Levine that there are other ways of world building besides audio logs. It felt like the game never wanted to shut up and kept throwing unnecessary logs at you, even though it was nearly impossible to listen to them while trying to actually play the game at the same time.
- Terrible ending sequence featuring an escort mission with a kid that never shuts up and a clusterfuck of a boss fight
- If this was to receive a Dead Space -style full remake it could be good
- Calling this an immersive sim is bloody dumb
Medium (9.5h)
17 Apr 2024Fun little game about packing juries. Each case has its own fitting gimmick and the game makes the most of its ideas.Finished (0.5h)